Game Rules

Rule Enforcement: NovaSplice Standards

Account Trading: Deletion

To uphold NovaSplice's integrity, every player must independently build their accounts from registration. The original registrant retains ownership rights, even if the account is sold or given away. Rigorous monitoring, both on-site and beyond, allows swift identification of illegal account transactions, resulting in immediate termination without warning.

Bug/Exploit Abuse: Game Ban

While extensive testing precedes NovaSplice releases, inadvertent exploits may surface. Exploiting bugs, glitches, or hacks is futile, as all actions and gains are meticulously logged with timestamps spanning years. Reporting any exploitable issues to developers is encouraged and may qualify for NovaSplice's bug bounty program. Continued exploitation without reporting leads to account deletion.

Multiple Accounts: Game Ban

Users are limited to a single NovaSplice account to maintain fair play. Vigilant staff employ a variety of tools to detect and address suspected abuse. First-time multiple account offenses result in either a game ban or deletion, with all illicit gains nullified.

Account Sharing: Game Ban

Exclusive operation by the original account creator is mandatory. Sharing login details or allowing external processes jeopardizes the account. Staff expertise ensures the swift identification of account sharing signs, leading to the removal of ill-gotten gains and bans starting at seven days.

Scripting Abuse: Game Ban

Script usage is permissible only if it interacts with NovaSplice through the API or a manually loaded page. Unauthorized requests, scraping pages not actively viewed, or attempting captcha bypass are forbidden. Developing software with undisclosed or malicious capabilities is strictly prohibited.

Social Violations: Area Ban

A comprehensive set of social guidelines spans all user-created content across NovaSplice, covering forums, private messages, chat, discord, profiles, events, signatures, newspaper adverts, and player names. Violations result in content removal, verbal warnings, official warnings, or area bans. Severe offenses can lead to instant account deletion.

Discrimination: Hate speech, slurs, or imagery supporting discrimination are strictly prohibited.

Harassment: Causing player distress through personal information or appearance is strictly forbidden.

Extreme Flaming: Offensive profanity or severe slanderous name-calling is not tolerated.

Obscene Content: Pornographic, sexually explicit, or graphically violent material is prohibited.

Compromising Security: Soliciting login information or compromising account details is strictly forbidden.

Ignoring Staff Warnings: Disregarding staff warnings to cease a particular action is a violation.

Impersonation: Pretending to be another person or holding a false position of authority is forbidden.

Enticement: Encouraging others to break game rules or social guidelines is strictly prohibited.

Flooding/Spamming: Purposeful spamming or flooding of platforms is not allowed.

Advertising: Promotion of irrelevant content or services is prohibited. NovaSplice-related advertising should be in designated areas.

Language: Publicly communicating in languages other than English is not permitted in forums or chat.

Terms and Conditions

1. Acceptance of Terms:

By accessing NovaSplice, you agree to comply with the following Terms and Conditions. Failure to adhere to these rules may result in penalties, including but not limited to account suspension or deletion.

2. Account Creation and Ownership:

Accounts on NovaSplice are for individual use only. Users must provide accurate information during account creation, and each account is owned by the individual who registered it. Account trading, selling, or sharing is strictly prohibited.

3. User Conduct:

Users are expected to conduct themselves responsibly and in accordance with the rules outlined in the "Game Rules" tab. Violation of these rules may result in disciplinary actions, including warnings, account suspension, or deletion.

4. Intellectual Property:

All content, including game assets, graphics, and text, is the intellectual property of NovaSplice. Unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of such content is strictly prohibited.

5. Termination:

NovaSplice reserves the right to terminate user accounts for violations of these terms, cheating, or any other behavior deemed detrimental to the community. Termination may result in the loss of in-game progress and items.

6. User Responsibilities:

Users are responsible for maintaining the security of their accounts. Sharing login details or engaging in activities that compromise the security of the platform is strictly forbidden. Users should report any security concerns promptly.

7. Dispute Resolution:

Any disputes or disagreements arising from the use of NovaSplice shall be resolved through negotiation and, if necessary, mediation. Legal action may be pursued if an amicable resolution cannot be reached.

8. Modifications to Terms:

NovaSplice reserves the right to update or modify these Terms and Conditions. Users will be notified of significant changes, and continued use of the platform implies acceptance of the revised terms.

Privacy Policy

Data Collection and Processing:

1. Player Name:

We collect and process player names, which are publicly viewable site-wide. This information is not shared with third parties and is used for identification and interaction within the NovaSplice community.

2. Email Address:

We collect and process email addresses, which are only visible to trusted staff members. Email addresses are provided to Amazon SES (Simple Email Service) for NovaSplice email services. This information is essential for communication purposes, account recovery, and notifications related to your NovaSplice account.

3. IP Address:

We collect and process IP addresses, which are only visible to trusted staff members. IP addresses are not shared with any third parties. This information is used for security purposes, including monitoring and preventing unauthorized access to NovaSplice accounts.

4. Gender (of NovaSplice Account):

We collect and process gender information associated with NovaSplice accounts, which is publicly viewable site-wide. This information is not shared with third parties and is only for your in-game character. It is used to enhance user interaction and personalization within the NovaSplice community.

5. Profile Details (Voluntarily Added):

Users have the option to voluntarily add additional profile details, which are publicly viewable on their profiles. These details are not shared with third parties and are used to enrich the user experience within the NovaSplice community.

6. Consent:

By using NovaSplice, you consent to the collection and processing of the aforementioned data for the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy. You retain the right to modify or remove your information within the settings provided by NovaSplice.

7. Data Security:

We prioritize the security of user data and implement measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, or alteration. Users are advised to take necessary precautions and keep their account information secure.

8. Third-Party Services:

NovaSplice may utilize third-party services for analytics, advertising, or other functionalities. Users are encouraged to review the privacy policies of these services for a comprehensive understanding of data practices.

9. Cookies:

We use cookies to enhance user experience, track preferences, and improve our services. Users can adjust cookie settings in their browser, but certain features may be affected.

10. Policy Updates:

This Privacy Policy may be updated periodically. Users will be informed of significant changes, and continued use of NovaSplice implies acceptance of the revised terms.